The Summer Adventures and Misadventures of Adventure Boy

The story of my trips to Mexico.

Friday, August 11, 2006

The Trip

When I was sitting waiting for the plane, I was looking at some pictures that were in the airport. One picture was about a butterfly airplane and another was about a peacock airplane. Then finally the real plane arrived. It was just a plain plane. I was a little bit nervous when I was on my way into the plane, but I still wanted to be with Mr. Man. My dad took me in and someone came out and then he told her that I was the one who was going alone. So she took me to my seat. A man was sitting on the seat beside me. I went on the side of the window. Then the plane started driving and then took off.

After some time passed, I looked out the window and saw that we were entering a cloud. I ate plane crackers (crackers in the shape of a plane) and apple juice. When I stopped eating I did some mazes and after that, I read a few books. I read _Quiditch Through the Ages_ and _Magic School Bus Gets Baked in a Cake_. After I finished reading them, I looked out the window. I could already see tiny houses. I read some more _Quiditch Through the Ages_ and looked down again. I thought I could make out some cars! I was a little bit excited and also kind of relieved that we were close to the ground again.

When we got to the airport, Mr. Man was waiting. We went down stairs to meet Mrs. Lady and Aunt Turtle, my mom's sister. We celebrated with hugs and kisses. We found my suitcase and got to their van and we drove home. It became night so I slept on the way.


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